Applied a couple of times on the intel's job portal, but no reply. Later found some reference through my close friend and applied. Got a call the very next day itself! Here are some questions that I remember.
Telephonic was for half an hour.
Telephonic was for half an hour.
- OOps concept in C
- MultiSampling AA
- Difference btn SuperSampling and MultiSampling
- Difference btn pixels and fragments
- Why need device driver
- Reasons for application crash
- STL features used
- Explain Shared pointer
- Geometry shaders and usage
- Tesselator and usage
- Occlusion culling
- Where you could have used geometry shaders in your project?
- Explain tile-based rendering
Face2Face interview happened throughout the day from 10 AM to 5 PM by 7 different people one after another. A few questions were repeated across different interviewers.
Round - 1
- How to clear nth bit?
- Sample vertex and pixel shaders
- Rendering pipeline
- How normals are transformed and why?
- vpointer, vtable in C++ with example
- Culling vs clipping
- Different types of culling
- Stencil test and usage
- Some behavioural questions
- Abstract classes and their usage
Round - 2
- How to calculate distance between any two pixels
- High level architecture of graphics application
- Memory design in my game engine
- Game engine concepts
- Skeletal Renderer class
- Program to find next power of 2
- Program to find the only repeating number in a sequence
- What does fragment contain?
- Difference btn pixel and fragment
Round - 3
I was very well prepared for algorithmic questions but got confused and screwed up this round.
- LCA of binary tree
- Anagram detection
- Permutations of Strings
- Sibling connections in binary tree
Round - 4
- Why need GPUs?
- Why can't CPUs be used for rendering?
- unions, bitfields, struct
- Virtual classes and their usage
Round - 5
- WAP to find the longest non-repeating sub-string
- Different memory segments in C
- Explain padding concept
- Uses of static keyword in C
- Why need Copy constructor in C++
- Explain assignment operator
Round - 6
- Rendering Pipeline in detail
- Why ray-tracing is slow?
- What is projection? different types
- How 3d points are converted to 2D
- Various parameters involved for the above
- Why need 'w' component
- Why need NDC?
- What is homogeneous system?
- Texture filtering methods and why need them?
- Explain mip-mapping and how particular mip-map level is selected
- How texture is mapped?
- What is an-isotropic filtering?
- How texture sampling is done in fragment shader?
- What is perspective correction?
- Difference btn MSAA and SSAA? How edges are detected in MSAA?
- Texture coordinates calculation
Round - 7
- Books used for game engines, etc
- Architecture of shared pointers, weak pointers
- Spatial sub-division, scene graph and how they improve rendering speed?
- Data structures for rendering, collisions
- Why need depth buffer, when objects are sorted in back-to-front order
- How animation is handled in the code
- Data stored in animation files
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